This blog will be mainly about Japanese things I'm into,
mainly books, film, some places I've visited. I used to work
at a bookshop, but since leaving my interest in books has
not changed, especially in modern Japanese fiction,
i sometimes dip into Japanese classical Literature.
Here I'll feature some older books that may have
slipped out of print, and post about books that are forthcoming.
Also from time to time maybe feature Japanese authors
who have yet to be translated. I hope you find something
that might interest you, and if you have any reading
suggestions I'd like to hear them, so please leave a comment.
I try to track permissions for images, but if you see any that
you think should'nt be here, leave a comment and I'll remove it.
Thank you for visiting my blog today-my blog began five days prior to yours-I am a neophyte in terms of Japanese Literature-since July 1 I have reviewed the works of about 23 Japanese works in translation. So far Kenzaburo Oe and Junichiro Tanizaki are among those who I have responded to most deeply-I consider the Japanese novel from the 1920s on to be a great world cultural treasure and I am thankful I found it-I will go back latter and read all your posts-
Really like your blog and likewise will revisit!,i started reading Oe in 1994 after he won the Nobel Prize,before that i read mainly Mishima and Tanizaki,then Murakami Haruki & Banana Yoshimoto.I'm trying to catch up with the novels of Kobo Abe,Osamu Dazai,which somehow i've not yet read?,and novels by Kazushige Abe, Machida Kou,Yahagi Toshihiko,that hopefully one day will see translation.There's so many books that i keep coming accross which have slipped out of print,which i hope to cover.Many thanks for commenting and reading.
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