Friday 31 May 2013

Translation news - Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage

Some news that I'm really late at picking up on of the translation of Murakami Haruki's  Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage over at The Asahi Shimbun, which looks like it may arrive in 2014, although reading the article it maybe that Jay Rubin's translation of Murakami's Talking With Seiji Ozawa about Music may appear first. 


Rurousha said...

Is it OK to include a hyperlink in a comment? I think you'll enjoy this one:

I was very happy to learn that the main character is involved in trains, since I'm a hopeless tetsujo (or tetsuko), in other words, female train fan. :)

me. said...

Thanks for the link and interesting insight. A book that I've been wanting to read since it's publication is Tokyo in Transit by Alisa Freedman -

On another note I hope that they keep the cover close to the original edition as I really like it!.

Rurousha said...

You've done it again! You've made me commit the sin of lust! I've just added Tokyo in Transit to my Amazon Wish List. Which has reached scary proportions. Sigh.

me. said...

Apologies!, it looks like a fascinating read, along with a previously untranslated Kawabata story.

Yes, perhaps even a small-ish lottery win might help in going some way to pay for all the books that I'd like to catch up with.